Saturday, March 24, 2012

LETTING GO...................


Letting go to the lord;
Letting him take over your life
Is a special experience anyway
Opens up the vista before your eyes
Making living a different experience
White clouds of wonder float
Clear translucent your thoughts become.....
The trust you place in the lord,
God, almighty,Kanna,Muruga....
What ever you wish to say;
He will take you in his arms
And help you through the day!
His fluidity of movements will impress
His tranquillity will seep through your veins
As he moulds your life with his claims....
To elevate you; beyond your imaginations
A place of his choice
Listen to his voice...........
He will speak soft within
Can you hear him?
If you can not you have yet to believe in him....
His strength; his visions for you.........
Bow low; and trust him deeply, truly
He will hold you
When all else turn away
Holding the world for your sake
To let you also find your stake;
Accept all the pain he dishes out
For he plans a booty of joy stout!
Life is a journey
When many a tunnel the train must pass
"Come ; trust me willing lass.........."
Whispers the lord
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Malini kadir