Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Those people in this glorious profession
SHOULD be today saluted
I to this day ;miss their lovely session!
Children are god's gifts and joy
Teaching has its own charm and difficulties
To teach them an art to learn and enjoy!



Why the clogs in the drainage?

Why rotten leaves left to clutter ?
Why the sweeper is not to this duty put?
Any ways life is full of ifs and but!

The stagnant water 
Store house of flies in gutter
Smelling roads,our curse
How does this ;with reason nurse?

The time must come;
When people voice ; discomfort some
And"This will do' goes down the drains
Compromise oft gives long term pains

The strains of living as a poor
Is a life of active doer's rugged endeavour
The sun on the face
The sweat his brows lace

Oft I wish to ask;Oft I wonder
Governing people ;care render......
Mass attitudes too, must uplift
Making our world,a peaceful oasis swift!

Each human's life style cell phones uplift
No doubt; but still if the nation is fed ;better a gift!
Food stuff , veggies more fresh!
Fruits grown in abundance;my imaginations stretch 

I love apples, banana's and black berries....
Guava, grapes , pineapple and cherries
Grown in abundance,Cheaper they will be available
If only farming could be done with respect stable

If the world's focus; shift from automobiles;
Cellphone technologies and turns to grass roots ties
The green looks of lands, the prosperity of people
Will again become a fad; human crazy will for it grapple

Media has the power to mass reach;I mention
Advertisements the power to capture attention 
Let each human being;learn the truth in Indian history
Learn of the different religions ; and its embedded mystery! 

The home is human society's cell;its powerhouse the earning members
The mother is their first teacher;the grandparents their loving, parenting members
Making life a beautiful cosy cocoon; teachers makes school going a joyful tune........
Each different stage of life ; with varying needs sewn

The God's glory in places of worship peaceful sung
No mikes needed to blare, the soul's devotional fling
We need more to meditate and reach inside our selves..........
See what else can be done; long forgotten and left in the shelves.......
