This is Malini Kadir - out here to moor her mooning spirits to the objective of writing verses hoping to reach the hearts of like minded and like spirited individuals !! Sharing and Caring; holding hands in a girdle of friendship!! Lets walk our individual life's challenges robust and highly positively oriented pals!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Soothing to the ear,
the balm to the heart
Ebbing fear
A genuine start............
When the slates of past
Are rubbed off from behind
Clearer mind to longer last
As no one is visible to the blind
His own hand is stretched out
His stick in his left hand
Walking uphill rather determined; stout
Hoping for pastures green and grand
Hope caressing his positive thought
The tiny light of the visible candle flickering....
New challenges bravely fought
With efforts of a sober, sincere ring....
In his deep resonant voice;
Soothing to the patient ear,
His right, his choice,
Ebbing away all his fear.........
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Moot Malini
Saturday, March 24, 2012
LETTING GO...................
Letting go to the lord;
Letting him take over your life
Is a special experience anyway
Opens up the vista before your eyes
Making living a different experience
White clouds of wonder float
Clear translucent your thoughts become.....
The trust you place in the lord,
God, almighty,Kanna,Muruga....
What ever you wish to say;
He will take you in his arms
And help you through the day!
His fluidity of movements will impress
His tranquillity will seep through your veins
As he moulds your life with his claims....
To elevate you; beyond your imaginations
A place of his choice
Listen to his voice...........
He will speak soft within
Can you hear him?
If you can not you have yet to believe in him....
His strength; his visions for you.........
Bow low; and trust him deeply, truly
He will hold you
When all else turn away
Holding the world for your sake
To let you also find your stake;
Accept all the pain he dishes out
For he plans a booty of joy stout!
Life is a journey
When many a tunnel the train must pass
"Come ; trust me willing lass.........."
Whispers the lord
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Malini kadir
Letting go to the lord;
Letting him take over your life
Is a special experience anyway
Opens up the vista before your eyes
Making living a different experience
White clouds of wonder float
Clear translucent your thoughts become.....
The trust you place in the lord,
God, almighty,Kanna,Muruga....
What ever you wish to say;
He will take you in his arms
And help you through the day!
His fluidity of movements will impress
His tranquillity will seep through your veins
As he moulds your life with his claims....
To elevate you; beyond your imaginations
A place of his choice
Listen to his voice...........
He will speak soft within
Can you hear him?
If you can not you have yet to believe in him....
His strength; his visions for you.........
Bow low; and trust him deeply, truly
He will hold you
When all else turn away
Holding the world for your sake
To let you also find your stake;
Accept all the pain he dishes out
For he plans a booty of joy stout!
Life is a journey
When many a tunnel the train must pass
"Come ; trust me willing lass.........."
Whispers the lord
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Malini kadir
Friday, March 23, 2012
I can see the confusions in your mind
I can hear your lamentations
The multiple choices life provides
Which is best?
Which will carter to your life's visions
Will I be able to compete?
The mind of the average person
That I am;how do I pave my path?
Is there no mid way?
To make you make ends meet
Is all of life into two slots cut?
Perhaps to the mind set of the urban child; it is!
For where did he skip to play?
Was his time left uncharted
Or his thoughts ever given room to wander?
Decide for himself ; what suits him best?
Ironic side effect of successful parents
Chartered life,ironed out smooth
The unexpected then topples him easy!
He is in mental soup unable to handle!
Blurred his visions
Blurred his roots
Path and thoughts narrowed
Insults not easy swallowed;
Feet in new grounds stumble,
Image begins to crumble
Vivacity diminished; brooding expands
Still awe stuck by the simple ways of the free birds?
His mother fed ego;
His first enemy
For to her eyes; he was apple to cherish
Out in the world; where unjust words are oft fairly thrown
How will he survive? He is vulnerable to stronger minds
People make fun of his strict good manners
For in Rome where nudity is crazy...overdressed is o.k!!
But surely there is a median?
His mind questions
Yes and then life is also left in the middle scape
The massive middle class is so created.....
The median path of minimum risk
Is easier to follow; and makes man much to swallow
Then perhaps In a story from rags to riches
Will smith has some answers to give us......
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Moot Malini
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Did I miss you my love?
When did you in disguise slip into my life?
Did I fail to know the obvious?
Was I just a sentimental fool,
Walking the glades of life;
Missing all the fun
Of your growing love.....
Your caprice and sense of fair play?
The need to straighten the wrong,
To silent slip away to play
Always a wonder boy!
Did you wander far afield?
The blades of yellow parched ,cut stalks behind.......
Perhaps reflects the Sun
Te golden glade gladdens you
Youe uplifted face,
Has all the multiple colours of hope reflected!
How I long to hug you dear....
Will it always be this way?
times will fly
you will grow away from me
Young man I wish you always succeed
Then can I selfish wish you near?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Moot Malini
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
When suddenly the meaning of pursuit is lost;
The grip of getting ahead is taken off
Time is still, with little duties done regularly most....
Not needing mind space or much thought
As if into automation been pushed
The push button of your mind ;
Makes you walk to find space and time
At the quay side
As thoughts reside;
Night silently walks to occupy its place.....
Empty boats of lost dreams tease you as it moves
Moves and hits each other,
in the stagnant waters
Perhaps creating ripples too......
unoccupied, viewed preoccupied
As the peace of restful distant horizon
Adds a numb chillness to the listless bones
Perhaps making new resolution for the morrow noons.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Moot Malini
When suddenly the meaning of pursuit is lost;
The grip of getting ahead is taken off
Time is still, with little duties done regularly most....
Not needing mind space or much thought
As if into automation been pushed
The push button of your mind ;
Makes you walk to find space and time
At the quay side
As thoughts reside;
Night silently walks to occupy its place.....
Empty boats of lost dreams tease you as it moves
Moves and hits each other,
in the stagnant waters
Perhaps creating ripples too......
unoccupied, viewed preoccupied
As the peace of restful distant horizon
Adds a numb chillness to the listless bones
Perhaps making new resolution for the morrow noons.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Moot Malini
Let the fingers be crossed....
Let the fingers be crossed....
Let the fingers be crossed....
We have made it past the barriers of illness,
Harsh words, failures, setbacks,
We have walked in unity beyond the doubts ,
Evil belittling words,angry outbursts,
We have discovered that the more important things .....
Can not be at the mercy of lesser things ;
When unity survives, humanness prevails!!!
For none of us here on this earth are perfect
Simple ! because the laws of nature and religion says
We are born to rectify
To overcome and perfect our souls
If that were an accomplished work
We would be saying goodbye to work here.....
So life is within you and me cause we still have ours imperfections ...............
Let the fingers be crossed....
We have made it past the barriers of illness,
Harsh words, failures, setbacks,
We have walked in unity beyond the doubts ,
Evil belittling words,angry outbursts,
We have discovered that the more important things .....
Can not be at the mercy of lesser things ;
When unity survives, humanness prevails!!!
For none of us here on this earth are perfect
Simple ! because the laws of nature and religion says
We are born to rectify
To overcome and perfect our souls
If that were an accomplished work
We would be saying goodbye to work here.....
So life is within you and me cause we still have ours imperfections ...............
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moot Malini
Weaving the threads of womanhood
Weaving the threads of womanhood
In realistic intricate designs
Makings of a heart of tender soft wood
Are hanging maternal love's visible signs
She is oft so ready to walk against the world;
Against her own previous precepts
To embrace with cheer, things new urban and cold
Trusting her smooth talking rising experts.......
On the decisive subjects
Perhaps in the bottom of her vulnerable heart
Her own shortcoming perfects
To become the unshakable base ;of there entire part!
Handling the kids in numerous ways
Pushing and pulling; yelling and scolding
But steady in there periphery stays
Just a call away not into things meddling
Always ready; to give the helping hand!
Do the needful; even the unplanned
Just to ensure; the smile first hand
Umbilical chords are cut ;bonds never end! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~malinikadir
In realistic intricate designs
Makings of a heart of tender soft wood
Are hanging maternal love's visible signs
She is oft so ready to walk against the world;
Against her own previous precepts
To embrace with cheer, things new urban and cold
Trusting her smooth talking rising experts.......
On the decisive subjects
Perhaps in the bottom of her vulnerable heart
Her own shortcoming perfects
To become the unshakable base ;of there entire part!
Handling the kids in numerous ways
Pushing and pulling; yelling and scolding
But steady in there periphery stays
Just a call away not into things meddling
Always ready; to give the helping hand!
Do the needful; even the unplanned
Just to ensure; the smile first hand
Umbilical chords are cut ;bonds never end! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~malinikadir
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The forbidden ternary
Where young hearts oft stumble
I sure do not grumble
True; folks in trendy irony!
Yet Love is no disease
To persons amputate
But never the less; lets your tensions ease
Sure gathers a lot of bad repute.......
How true can an human being be?
Yet not gather the clouds of thunder?
Love is emotional sin maybe
If distance always kept ;no blunder!!
Human race of sceptic persons;
Must understand humanitarian values more
Love is not always degradable within reasons
I will proud proclaim ; never turn sour.......
For past can not be erased
It can only be accepted and lived with
Perhaps not all very pleased;
But never the less;humble humanly accepted truth !
Honesty can not a virtue stay if society opposes
Then lies need to be told; hypocrisy will need to stay
Truth said or unsaid not its value looses
If always kept chained by self control to the bay!!
Childhood infatuation has its place
So do teenage curvatures of the mind and heart..
Each must in his own life trace........
Till the dream man of your life enters to become a part
Being faithful; Is having said your vows
Letting your life around him revolve
Yet tell me folks;can truths be changed for shows?
It speaks of maturity to discern and evolve
It speaks of pain kept within;
It speaks of hurts along life's realistic path
Till the heart in grips of Angina
Must express to survive ; life in stake at length!!
Then the woman must decide
If she loves her hubby and values her children enough
To wish to her own life sustain with aide
Or should she her emotions allow to kill her rough?
Who pray; who will her loving hubby turn to?
Or her dear children turn to?
Will the so called society that talk; care too?
No; if heart must walk free of stresses true
I did just that; let my emotions blocked within flow.....
Flow out into beautiful verses of rhyme to chime
Letting my hurt heart heal with true love slow.......
I am a mother first and a woman next having committed no crime.........
Bold yes, true too; yes and I married for love
And lived happily with him too
Life in a village ;away in a lovely woody alcove
KADIR meaning light;MALINI meaning small.....
TODAY my poetry holds love;
Love that only KADIR has shown in true life at all......
All my poetry in love ; love's imaginary alcove
For love adds depths; shows vulnerability
Must also add the depth of character to sustain through life....
Shows too how unreasonable adult; could add the poison of doubt
To set fire to a happy life ;for merely no benefits but creating strife!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MALINI KADIR
The forbidden ternary
Where young hearts oft stumble
I sure do not grumble
True; folks in trendy irony!
Yet Love is no disease
To persons amputate
But never the less; lets your tensions ease
Sure gathers a lot of bad repute.......
How true can an human being be?
Yet not gather the clouds of thunder?
Love is emotional sin maybe
If distance always kept ;no blunder!!
Human race of sceptic persons;
Must understand humanitarian values more
Love is not always degradable within reasons
I will proud proclaim ; never turn sour.......
For past can not be erased
It can only be accepted and lived with
Perhaps not all very pleased;
But never the less;humble humanly accepted truth !
Honesty can not a virtue stay if society opposes
Then lies need to be told; hypocrisy will need to stay
Truth said or unsaid not its value looses
If always kept chained by self control to the bay!!
Childhood infatuation has its place
So do teenage curvatures of the mind and heart..
Each must in his own life trace........
Till the dream man of your life enters to become a part
Being faithful; Is having said your vows
Letting your life around him revolve
Yet tell me folks;can truths be changed for shows?
It speaks of maturity to discern and evolve
It speaks of pain kept within;
It speaks of hurts along life's realistic path
Till the heart in grips of Angina
Must express to survive ; life in stake at length!!
Then the woman must decide
If she loves her hubby and values her children enough
To wish to her own life sustain with aide
Or should she her emotions allow to kill her rough?
Who pray; who will her loving hubby turn to?
Or her dear children turn to?
Will the so called society that talk; care too?
No; if heart must walk free of stresses true
I did just that; let my emotions blocked within flow.....
Flow out into beautiful verses of rhyme to chime
Letting my hurt heart heal with true love slow.......
I am a mother first and a woman next having committed no crime.........
Bold yes, true too; yes and I married for love
And lived happily with him too
Life in a village ;away in a lovely woody alcove
KADIR meaning light;MALINI meaning small.....
TODAY my poetry holds love;
Love that only KADIR has shown in true life at all......
All my poetry in love ; love's imaginary alcove
For love adds depths; shows vulnerability
Must also add the depth of character to sustain through life....
Shows too how unreasonable adult; could add the poison of doubt
To set fire to a happy life ;for merely no benefits but creating strife!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MALINI KADIR
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